Puppet Show about taking care of belongings

Submitted and translated by Lein





Sly Sid





Bag for Jack


            Jill starts off with a chat with the children. She is very busy; still has washing to do.. She calls out to Jack and asks him if he’d like to go. Out comes the wallet.

                Off goes Jack with the wallet but then he suddenly realizes that he forgot his shopping bag. He asks the children to look after his wallet while he quickly goes to get his bag.

 When Jack is gone, a policeman appears. Glad it’s almost the end of his shift.

Suddenly he sees the wallet and suggests that someone must have lost it…. The children tell him that the wallet is Jack’s and that he has gone to get his bag.

The policeman asks the children if they think it’s a good idea to leave a wallet on the street. He doesn’t think so (it could easily be stolen) and suggests that the children teach Jack a lesson/they are going to play a trick on him.

When Jack comes back the children are to tell him that Sly Sid took the wallet.

Jack reappears pleased he got his bag. He bends over to pick up his wallet but it isn’t there! Where is his wallet? The children hopefully tell him that Sly Sid took it. Otherwise Jack doesn’t believe them and goes for Sly Sid. Sly Sid is lying in his garden, snoring. Jack gives him a big fright! Sly Sid denies taking the wallet and off goes Jack to the police station, where the policeman first pretends not to know anything and then produces the wallet explaining to Jack that it was irresponsible of him to leave the wallet on the street.

Jack then goes to Sly Sid to apologize. Sid gets a big box of chocolates!



I translated this puppet show to an easier-to-follow format:


Jill: Hello children, my name is Jill. I am very busy today and I need someone to go to the market for me. Do you know anyone that I could send? Well, I think I’ll send my friend Jack. (Out comes the wallet)


Jack starts off with the wallet and stops


Jack: Oh no! I’ve forgotten my bag! Will you please look after my wallet while I quickly go to get my bag?


Jack exits, policeman enters


Policeman: I am so glad that it is almost the end of my shift. I am ready to go home and…(notices the wallet) Oh goodness! Someone has lost his or her wallet! Do you know whose wallet this is? Why would Jack leave his wallet behind? Do you think it’s a good idea to leave your wallet on the street? I don’t think so. It could easily have been stolen. Why don’t we teach Jack a lesson? We will play a trick on him. When Jack comes back you are to tell him that Sly Sid took the wallet.


Jack reappears pleased he got his bag. He bends over to pick up his wallet but it isn’t there!


Jack: Where is the wallet? (The children hopefully tell him that Sly Sid took it)

.      Otherwise,

Jack: I don’t believe the policeman took it! I think Sly Sid took my wallet.


Sly Sid is lying in his garden, snoring. Jack gives him a big fright!


Jack: You took my wallet didn’t you?


Sly Sid: I did not take your wallet; I don’t even know what you’re talking about!


Jack: Well, I’m going to the police station and telling them what you did!


At the police station


Jack: Policeman, Sly Sid took my wallet! You need to go arrest him!


Policeman: I cannot arrest him if I can’t prove he did anything wrong. Besides, I don’t even know if you’re missing a wallet. Where did you have it last?


Jack: Well, I left it on the street and asked the children to watch it for me…


Policeman: Jack, you know better than to leave your belongings where someone could take them. I took your wallet in order to teach you a lesson. (Produces the wallet) I think you have something to tell Sid, too.


Jack then goes to Sly Sid


Jack: I am sorry, Sly Sid, I shouldn’t have accused you of taking my wallet. Please take these chocolates


Sly Sid: Thank you, Jack. I accept you apology, would you like a chocolate?